L'azione del Regime di XiJinPing pare non rifletta la volonta' politica dell'unanime maggioranza del Popolo piu rivoluzionario del mondo.
Quando i quadri politici di un paese come la Cina (tutti adunisono) si preparano a rovesciare un presidente che regna da oltre vent'anni; "puo' sorgere il dubbio" che dietro la figura del Presidente si nasconda in realta' quella di un tiranno?
Un Uomo pertanto incapace, di curare gli interessi dell'intero popolo , che si rende sostenitore e referente degli interessi di un gruppo ristretto di persone o di potere ??
- At the beginning of the epidemic in late January and early February, much of the foreign press argued that the coronavirus was China’s moment of crisis that would trigger political turmoil to bring down the Beijing government.
- As this narrative faded away before the massive and effective government response to the virus, a new narrative has emerged – that paramount leader Xi Jinping is under threat because many Chinese officials blame him for the outbreak of the epidemic and are about to mount a coup to topple him.
This is a recurring story. Over a year ago I wrote:
“Certainly, there is mounting opposition to Xi Jinping’s administration. This opposition considers the issue of getting rid of the top leader according to the rules of the system: you can’t peacefully vote him out of power, you must use force – you have to stage a coup and take him out. So, the attempts on his life were most likely real, and communist China has a history of attempted coups. But did they succeed in their goals? And how were they staged?”
And the only successful coup in the history of the People’s Republic was staged in 1976 against the Gang of Four. Here “the three main plotters ontrolled all the crucial elements: the party organization, the army, and the personal security of the people arrested.”